Additive Manufacturing

Optimise your metal 3D printing with Becker

Additive manufacturing at the highest level - discover Becker's customised solutions for industrial 3D printing. Our technologies have been specially developed for the requirements of additive manufacturing (AM) and guarantee first-class results for your components.


What is additive manufacturing?

Additive manufacturing, also known as additive manufacturing or 3D printing, is an innovative generative manufacturing process in which components are built up layer by layer from a material. This additive process has established itself as a key technology, particularly in metal processing, as it enables the production of complex structures. A key aspect of this technology is laser melting, in which metal powder is selectively melted and solidified by a laser.


Becker: Your partner for additive manufacturing

Our gas-tight blowers and heat exchangers are essential for a high-quality additive 3D printing process. They enable efficient circulation and cooling of the shielding gas. This ensures that no oxygen enters the process and your components are protected from oxidation. This is essential in order to utilise the full potential of additive manufacturing and ensure consistently high component quality. 


Why Becker?

Benefit from our decades of experience in manufacturing technology. Our gas-tight blowers and components are specially designed to meet the challenges of additive manufacturing in the metal sector. We know how important a stable and controlled gas flow is for the melting process. Our products not only improve the process conditions, but also optimise the layer-by-layer process for uniform material properties of the printed parts.

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Blowers and components


With so many criteria to be checked when choosing an AM solution, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s why it pays to partner with Becker. With decades of experience in gas recirculation, we are among the pioneers in 3D metal printing. Blowers and components – We have the perfect solution for your individual AM machine integration needs.


Flyer AM Blowers and Components

VideoBecker blowers and heat exchangers made in Germany for small to larger 3D metal printers.

VideoVASF side channel blowers with VARIAIR frequency inverter – also available as a gas-tight version.

  • Gas Recirculation

    Recirculation of inert gases in laser fusion 3D metal printing machines

    Gas Recirculation

  • Evacuation

    Evacuation of 3D metal printing machine construction chamber prior to filling with inert gases


  • Pneumatic conveying

    Conveying of metal powder with inert gas (under inert conditions)

    Pneumatic conveying


The revolution in metal 3D printing

With CYCLEAM, our new gas circulation and filter system for additive manufacturing, we are setting new standards in additive manufacturing. It enables uninterrupted manufacturing processes and maximises the productivity of your AM machines. Find out how Becker CYCLEAM helps you to optimise the entire laser powder bed fusion process.

Becker_CycleAM for 3D Metal Printing


Conclusion: Use our expertise and innovative solutions to take your additive manufacturing to the next level. Our customised systems and gas-tight components are the key to high-quality 3D printing - from precise inert gas circulation to efficient gas cooling. Let's work together to achieve your AM manufacturing goals.


Becker – Made in Germany for the success of your additive manufacturing.


Flyer CYCLEAM – AM system solution

VideoBecker CYCLEAM – Gas Recirgulation- and Filter System for Additive Manufacturing.

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What can we do for you?


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Becker Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.
12 Little Road # 01-01
Lian Cheong Industrial Building
Singapore 536986


Phone +65 64875951




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