Combined Pressure/vacuum pumps
Pressure/vacuum pumps or combined pumps are uniquely designed for the Printing Industry. The demands of the feeder on a sheet fed printing press require vacuum for gripping each sheet while the pressure side, or blast air, is used to be sure the sheets are separated. Our combined pumps reach an ultimate vacuum level of -0.6 bar and maximum pressure of +0.6 bar simultaneously.
Becker pioneered the development of the combined pressure/vacuum pumps when it developed a device called the secondary suction. This secondary inlet port allows a continuous flow of inlet air and lets the compressor operate independently of the vacuum pump. All Becker combined pumps include this design.
Although the print market is the main use for these pumps other non-printing customers have found these pumps to be the perfect fit for them.
Rotary Vane Pressure/Vacuum Pumps, Oil-free (Combined Pumps)
The robustly constructed and dry-running rotary vane pumps are suitable for higher pressure differences in vacuum and/or pressure applications. An eccentrically mounted rotor with slots rotates in a cylindrical housing and the precisely fitting sliding vanes move in the slots and separate the individual working chambers.