Data Privacy Statement

(Status as of 27/04/2023, automatic translation of the German page content)


Gebr. Becker GmbH, Hölker Feld 29-31, 42279 Wuppertal (hereinafter only "BECKER"), locally represented by Becker AG, is the operator of the websites.


In the following data privacy statement we would like to inform you to which extent data is collected when you use our websites, and for which purpose this data will be used.
Furthermore, BECKER would like to point out any rights you are entitled to in this regard.


1. Responsibility for Processing of Your Personal Data

BECKER as the responsible entity in the sense of the DSGVO [= European Data Protection Basic Regulation] is in charge of compliance with the provisions of the DSGVO. Consequently, our data privacy policy is in accordance with the BDSG [= German Data Protection Act] as well as any other applicable data protection regulations.


2. What is Personal Data?

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A natural person is considered identifiable when he/she can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular through allocation of identifying information, such as name, code number, site data, online code, or one or more specific features which are a characterization of the physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity of this natural person.


3. Legal Basis for Processing of Personal Data

To the extent that we obtain consent of a person relating to processing of personal data, such valid consent in the sense of data privacy laws is considered the legal basis for processing of personal data.

When processing personal data which is required for fulfilment of a contract to which the person affected is a party, the closing of the relevant contract is considered the legal basis. The same applies in the event that processing is required for performance of pre-contractual measures.

To the extent that processing of personal data is required for the fulfilment of legal obligations by which our company is bound, such may also be considered as legal basis in the context of data privacy.

In the event that vital interests of a person affected, or of another natural person, require processing of personal data, such may also be considered as the legal basis in the context of data privacy.

Furthermore, processing may be necessary for maintaining justified interests of our company or of any third party, provided, however, those interests are not opposed by predominant basic rights and basic freedoms of the person affected.


4. General Information on Processing and Use of Personal Data

When you visit our websites, webservers store – as a standard measure and on a temporary basis, for the purpose of system security – any connection data of the accessing computer, our websites you visit, date and duration of your visit, ID data of the browser used and operating system type as well as the website from which you visit us; this information is stored in so-called log files.

Any stored data set consists of the following information:

  • Date and time of access
  • IP address of accessing computer
  • Name and URL of accessed file
  • Website from which access occurs (referrer URL)
  • Used browser and operating system, if applicable

This aforementioned data will be processed by us for the following purposes:

  • Ensurance of smooth connection with websites,
  • Ensurance of convenient use of our websites,
  • Evaluation of system security and stability and
  • Other administrative purposes.

Legal basis for data processing is our justified interest. Our justified interest can be derived from the purposes of data collection as set forth above. In no case will we use any collected data for the purpose of drawing conclusions about you. In the event of exceptions, these will be explained below.
Collection of data for provision of websites and storing of data in log files are absolutely necessary for operation of internet websites. Accordingly, users have no right to object.


5. Website Analysis/Tracking

Cookies: In some parts of our websites we use so-called Cookies, for example to identify visitor preferences and to shape and design websites accordingly in an optimal manner. Thus, navigation is facilitated and a high degree of user friendliness of a website is enabled, e.g. as regards selection of language. Cookies also help us to identify especially popular areas of our internet offers. Cookies are small files which are placed in the hard disk of visitors. They allow storing of information for a certain period of time, and identification of a visitor’s computer. For better user guidance and individual presentation of performance we use permanent Cookies. Furthermore, we use so-called Session Cookies which are deleted automatically when you quit your browser. You may set your browser in such a manner that it informs you about placing of Cookies. Thus, use of Cookies becomes transparent to you. Important: If you block the use of Cookies completely, it is possible that you will be unable to use some of the functions of our websites. In our websites we use the following four categories of Cookies:


Absolutely necessary Cookies: Such Cookies are necessary in order for you to navigate through websites and use their functions, e.g. when accessing password-protected areas (e.g. of the Becker Group).Without these Cookies we are unable to provide certain services requested by you. We only use such absolutely necessary Cookies in order to clearly identify registered visitors to ensure that they will be recognized during their stay and during any new visits to our websites.

Functionality / Personalizing Cookies: Such Cookies enable websites to remember previous information relating to visitors in order to offer features specially designed for such visitors. Thus, a website can be provided in a language suitable for you.

Google Analytics: For customer-oriented design of our websites, we prepare pseudonymized user profiles by means of Google Analytics. Google Analytics uses Cookies. They are text files stored in your computer which enable an analysis of your use of websites. Information generated by Cookies relating to your use of these websites will usually be transmitted to and stored on a Google server in the U.S.A. Since we activated IP anonymization on these websites, IP addresses in European Union member states and in other member states which are party to the treaty on the European Economic Area, are shortened by Google prior to transmission. Only in exceptional cases will a full IP address be transmitted to a Google server to the U.S.A. and first be shortened there. Google uses any transferred data on our behalf in order to evaluate your use of our websites, for preparing reports relating to website activities, and in order to provide other services for us which are associated with website and internet use.


You may object to the creation of pseudonymized user profiles at any time. You have several options:

1. One option for objecting to web analysis by Google Analytics is to set an Opt-out Cookie which directs Google to refrain from storing or using your data for web analysis purposes. Please note that in this case no web analysis will occur for as long as the Opt-out Cookie is stored by the browser. If you wish to set an Opt-out Cookie now, please click here.


2. You may also block storage of Cookies used for set-up of profiles by adjusting your browser software settings accordingly.


3. Depending on the browser used, there is also the opportunity to install a browser plug-in which prevents tracking. To do this, please click here and install a browser plug-in.


4. You contradict the pop-up message, which automatically opens when you visit our page.

Any information on your activities on these websites is collected (e.g. surf behaviour, subpages of internet offers you visited). Any user data will be stored using a pseudonym to ensure that any personal identification is categorically excluded. In general, you can prevent storing of Cookies on your hard disk by selecting the option “Cookies not accepted” in your browser setting. You may also adjust your browser in a way that it asks for your consent before Cookies are placed. Finally, you may delete any placed Cookies at any time. How to do this is explained in the “Help” option of your browser. If you do not accept Cookies, this may result in limited functionality of websites. Please note that you will have to re-activate any possibly placed Opt-out Cookies if you have deleted Cookies.


For the purposes of marketing and optimization, we use products and services of the company Lead Forensics (Communication House, 26 York Street, London, W1U 6PZ, Great Britain) on our website. Lead Forensics determines the actual course of your visit to this website, including all the pages you have visited or looked at and how long you spent on this site. Insofar as IP addresses are collected, these are rendered anonymous immediately after collection. On behalf of the operator of this website, Lead Forensics then uses the information collected to analyze your visit, compile reports regarding the website activities and provide to the website operator further services connected with the website use and the Internet use. Further information about data protection can be found at Insofar as we process personal data, we do so on the basis of our legitimate interests in order to improve the design of our website. The legal basis for this is the safeguarding of legitimate interests pursuant to Art. 6 (1) letter f) of the GDPR.


Adobe Typekit Web Fonts: In order to ensure the uniform depiction of certain fonts, our website uses fonts called Adobe Typekit Web Fonts provided by Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704, USA (Adobe). When you access pages of our website, your browser will automatically load the required fonts directly from the Adobe site to be able to display them correctly on your device. As a result, your browser will establish a connection with Adobe’s servers in the United States. Hence, Adobe learns that your IP address was used to access our website. According to the information provided by Adobe, no cookies will be stored in conjunction with the provision of the fonts. Adobe is in possession of a certification in accordance with the EU-US Privacy Shield. The Privacy Shield is a compact ratified between the United States of America and the European Union, aiming to warrant compliance with European Data Protection Standards. For more information, please follow this link:
The use of Adobe Typekit Web Fonts is necessary to ensure the uniform presentation of fonts on our website. This constitutes a legitimate interest as defined in Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. For more information about Adobe Typekit Web Fonts, please read the policies under: Adobe’s Data Privacy Declaration may be reviewed under:


Livezilla chat function: This website uses a live chat from Livezilla GmbH. The chat uses so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on your computer and that allow an analysis of the use of the website by you. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is transmitted to a Livezilla server and stored there. Livezilla will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity for website operators and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Livezilla will also transfer this information to third parties if required by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Livezilla. Livezilla will never link your IP address with other data. You can prevent the installation of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; however, please be aware that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Livezilla in the manner described above and for the purpose stated above.


6. Data Processing and Data Use for Purpose of Newsletter Subscription

You have the option to subscribe to our newsletter free of charge through our websites. The newsletter keeps you updated relating to current events and BECKER offers. For registration we will need your E-mail address.
After sending a registration form you will receive a confirmation E-mail from us. Registration will only be effective when you click on the link in this confirmation E-mail. You may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. To do this, please use the unsubscribe function on our websites or the link given at the end of each E-mail. Your E-mail address will then be immediately deleted from the mailing list.
For processing of data we will obtain your consent in the context of the registration process and we will refer to this data privacy statement.
The legal basis for processing of your data in the sense of data protection laws is your consent. By cancelling the newsletter you withdraw your respective consent toward us.


Contact form /Request form 
In order to contact us, you may use the contact form. If you wish to use the contact form, we require the following compulsory information:

  • Reason for contacting us
  • Salutation
  • First name
  • Family name
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number
  • Message

You may give us further information, such as the requested service, but you do not have to. Any voluntary information is indicated as such. We will use your data for answering your request and for sending the requested information material, if applicable. Any transmission of data provided by you will be made through secure https-/ SSL connections. Your data will be deleted within 90 days after finalizing processing procedures, provided no longer storage periods are necessary for reasons of verifiability, customer service, or in accordance with statutory provisions.


7. Registration for training courses and product presentations

In the context of training and product presentation offers for which you register and in which you participate, we store the personal data you provide for the purpose of conducting the event as well as for billing purposes. The legal basis for the processing is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO (fulfilment of a contract). The data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for the processing purposes and there are no longer any obligations to keep records under tax or commercial law.


8. Product registration

As a customer of the company Gebr. Becker GmbH you have the possibility to register your purchased products via website. For this purpose, product data as well as contact and account data will be stored. By completing your registration, you agree to the data storage. The legal basis for the process is your consent given during product registration.


9. Online Application

If you want to apply online to BECKER, there is an online application system available to you at You will find this link via the „Career“ button. Transmission of data provided by you will be made through secure https-/ SSL connections. Your electronic application data will be received by the relevant competent staff department, and will be exclusively forwarded to the department specifically in charge of the relevant position, or to persons in charge of dealing with applications. Any parties involved will treat your application documents with due care and diligence and in a strictly confidential manner.
Upon filing your online application, you give your consent that BECKER is permitted to store your application for a maximum of 2 years in its management system. Application to BECKER without giving such consent is impossible. Declaration of consent is included in the application form. You may withdraw your consent at any time. A relevant data privacy statement of our commissioned processing company can be found here.
Please note that any application sent to us directly by E-mail will be transmitted in unencoded form. Therefore, we kindly request you to use our applicant management system since we cannot accept any applications forwarded by E-mail.


10. Use of Service Providers/Data Processing in Countries outside the European Economic Area

For provision of services and for processing of your data, BECKER uses service providers (e.g. for hosting of your data in a secure data processing service centre, or for storing of data provided in the context of a newsletter subscription). Service providers process data exclusively in accordance with instructions given by BECKER, and they are bound by applicable data protection provisions. Any commissioned processing companies have been carefully selected, and are granted access to your data only to the extent and for a period of time required for rendering their services.
Servers of service provided used by BECKER are exclusively located within the European Union.


11. Data Safety

We take any technical and organizational security measures required for comprehensive protection of your data against unwanted access. Besides utilizing a secure operating environment, we use an encoding system in some areas (e.g. online application, contact forms, request forms). Any information provided by you will be transmitted in encoded form via SSL protocol (Secure Socket Layer). You can see that this coding system is in place because then the lock symbol in the status bar of your browser is locked, and the address line starts with “https”.


12. Information, Correction and Deletion of Your Data

If personal data of yours is being processed then you are an affected person in the sense of data protection laws. Any persons affected are generally entitled to be informed, have their data corrected or deleted, have the right to restrict processing or to object to processing as well as the right to data portability.

1. Right of Information and Correction

You are entitled to request information relating to your personal data processed by us. Should your data not be correct (anymore), you have a right to have your data corrected. Should your data be incomplete, you may request to have it completed. In the event of us forwarding your data to any third party, we will inform such third parties about your correction, provided such is stipulated by law.

2. Right to Delete Your Personal Data


You may request immediate deletion of your personal data for the following reasons:

  • If your personal data are no longer required for the purposes they were collected for
  • If you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis
  • If you object to processing and no other outweighing reasons exist which require protection
  • If your personal data have been unlawfully processed
  • If your personal data has to be deleted in order to comply with statutory requirements.

Please note that any right to delete data is dependent on whether or not a legitimate reason exists which requires data processing.

3. Right of Restricted Processing of Personal Data:


In the following events, you have a right to request restriction of processing of your personal data:

  • If the correctness of your personal data has been disputed by you, and we have been given the opportunity to verify their correctnes
  • If processing has not been lawful, and you demand restricted use instead of deletion
  • If we do not need your data any longer for the purpose of processing, but you need them for assertion of, exercise of or defence against legal claims
  • If you lodged an objection for as long as it has not been determined whether or not your interest prevails.

4. Right to Object

We may process your data basing on justified interests or in the public interest. In such cases you have the right to object to processing of your data. The same applies if we use your data for direct advertising.

5. Right of Data Portability
You have the right to receive in a portable format any personal data provided by you to us. Furthermore, you are entitled to transmit this data to another responsible entity without impairment caused by the responsible entity to which you previously provided personal data, provided processing is based on consent or a contract, and processing is being done by means of automated procedures.
When exercising this right you are furthermore entitled to effect that any personal data related to you is transferred directly from one responsible entity to the other responsible entity as far as technically feasible. No freedoms or rights of any third party may be impaired by this. This right of data portability shall not apply to processing of personal data which is required for fulfilment of tasks which are in the public interest or which are subject to public authority transferred upon the responsible entity.


13. Our Data Privacy Contact

Please contact:

Becker AG

Pfadackerstrasse 10

8957 Spreitenbach



14. Right to Complain Towards Supervisory Authority

If you are of the opinion that processing of your personal data is being made in violation of data protection laws, you are entitled to file a complaint with a supervisory authority (in particular in the member state of your place of abode, at your workplace or the place of an alleged violation), notwithstanding any possible further administrative or court remedies.